Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.

Below are 5 benefits of reiki/vibrational healing

Reiki energy is used to treat a multitude of issues and ailments.

  • Encourages a better mind set and can lift your mood to bring about change in your external world.
  • Clears energetic blockages which may have been caused by trauma or conditioning.
  • Reiki promotes being in the present and living in the moment. It assistswith clearing negative energy out of the system which hinders positive growth. It helps one see the bigger picture.
  • Reiki brings about a sense of deep relaxation and rejuvenation after a session, which is perfect for better sleep.
  • Physical health can improve due to a clearing of the negative energy and replacing positive energy and thinking.

What a client can experience in a vibrational Reiki healing session:

  • The client sets an intention for that session i.e. what issue are you wishing to gain clarity on?
  • I check the energy of each of the chakras at that time, which gives support in understanding the basis of that particular issue.
  • I continue with the healing by placing my hands on the areas I am guided to during the session. I experience vibrational energy coming through my body into my hands, which is transferred to the clients’ energy system. Sometimes the energy can be quite intense, sometimes gentle and sometimes tapping or rocking.
  • During this time I may receive messages or visual images which I share with the client to aid them in getting answers to their intention
  • If necessary, and if the client has received messages or visions during the healing, I allow them time to draw and record them so that they have a visual representation to work with after the session.
  • In the days following the session, it is advisable to work with whatever has come up and allow the energy to flow as shifts have taken place and need time to process.
  • Making note of dreams and symbols  is also important to receive the guidance that has been asked for.
  • A session can take anything from 45 minutes to 90minutes depending on how long I am guided to do the healing.
  • I advise my clients that the process may take more than one session to manifest and often find it necessary to recommend further healing or mentoring to bring about completion.

Cost: R350 per session (payment plans for follow up sessions can be arranged)

If you are resonating with any of the above and feel like it is time to make a change in your life, book a session below by filling in the form and I will contact you.

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